SimpleMovieX and Snow Leopard

The same day that Snow Leopard became officially available, I have started receiving questions from users about compatibility.

Current version 3.9.1 of SimpleMovieX is not prepared to work with Snow Leopard.

Version 3.9.2, a free upgrade for 3.x users, will surface sometime during September, bringing back compatibility with the latest and greatest, ie Snow Leopard.

Tiger and Leopard will continue being supported, whereas Mac OSX 10.3 Panther is no longer supported, version 3.8.1 being the last release working with Panther.

Snow Leopard brings amazing new technologies that can make SimpleMovieX shine. I can think of Grand Central, Open CL, H264 hardware decoding, and QuickTime X.
But to digest all this, SimpleMovieX will require a major rewrite. I believe that version 4, a paid upgrade due next year, should really take advantage of the new “state of art”.

Stay tuned for more info about the future of SimpleMovieX.