GoPro Freezing during Video Recording
GoPro has recently shipped its new line-up of HERO3 cameras with impressive specs.
Users have started reporting problems with the camera in November 2012: One of the most annoying failure mode is the dreaded “lock up during video recording” that leaves you with a corrupt video. We are now receiving new damaged clips to fix every day.

Affected Firmware Versions
Lock-up problems can be traced back to firmware versions that include Protune features. All GoPro models with Protune are affected.
As of January 2013:
- All GoPro HERO 3 cameras except White model (because it doesn’t include Protune)
- GoPro HERO 2 cameras with Firmware upgrade 8.12.198 (October 2012) that enables Protune
Two important points:
- Lock ups happen even if Protune mode is disabled.
- GoPro HERO 2 firmware can be downgraded to version 8.12.124, without Protune.
Tip: Save $20 on GoPro Repairs with Treasured and
We have been busy in the last months catching up with new GoPro cameras. Current releases of Treasured (Mac app) and (web app) can detect and preview corrupt GoPro videos, even from new models and formats.
However, GoPro special pricing is not always correctly applied. When video is identified as Media: H.264 instead of Brand: GoPro HERO, price quote will be higher. We will fix that by end of February.
In the meantime, just add a comment in your repair request or send us an email to notify that it’s GoPro footage and we will apply the correct price to your repair.